Game Schedule for Weeks 8-10
It’s hard to believe that we’re already heading into Week 7 of our game schedule. After this weekend, there are still two (possibly three) more weekends of games. We will not know the exact day, time or location of the upcoming games until the results from this weekend are reported and teams are matched based on their Week 1 through Week 7 standings.
For the C, B and A teams that win their games in Weeks 8 and 9, there is a possibility of playing Week 10 in the CAYFL Superbowl. The Superbowl will take place on Sunday, November 11th in North Reading. The C Team will play at 10am, the B Team at 12pm, and the A Team at 2pm.
As soon as we have the exact times and locations of the Week 8 and Week 9 games, we will update TeamSnap, as well as the website, and send out a notification.
Cheerleaders who have games scheduled on the Saturday of Week 9 (November 3rd) will not be expected to attend the games due to the CAYFL competition in North Andover.