LPYFC Flag Football FAQ
(Updated 04/20/22)
Q: Will there be flag football in Lynnfield during the fall of 2022?
A: Yes!!! Flag football kicks off April 30th.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: The cost is $120.00 per player with a multi-family discount of 10% applied at registration.
Q: My child is interested in playing, but I am also willing to help out and coach. Where do I sign up for that?
A: When registering your child to play, there is information to fill out on the bottom of the registration form for those who would like to volunteer to coach. All volunteers will need to have a CORI check completed prior to being able to help.
Q: When will games be played?
A: Games will be played on Saturday afternoons. Game times will vary by age, but all games will take place from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm.
Q: What will the duration of the season be?
A: The Spring 2022 season is slated to begin on April 30th and conclude on June 18th
Q: Will practice be required?
A: Practice will not be required, but some coaches may elect to try and get the teams together once in a while outside of game day. Each team will be given time before each game to warm up.
Q: What ages are eligible?
A: Those in grades K-5 are eligible. There will be three divisions, which will be created by grade level: K-1, 2-3, and 4-5.
Q: I am registering my child and don’t see a box for a friend request. Are those not allowed?
A: Teams will be mixed within their divisions in order to ensure that there is a mix of both grade levels on each team within each division. Flag has always been a great opportunity for kids to meet other kids in town and make new friends. If there are any extenuating circumstances, (i.e. - if a player will be transported to the field weekly by the parent of another player) please reach out to flagfootball@