A Message from the LPYFC BOD
Our 2022 LPYFC regular season has ended, and what a season it was! 2022 was a record-breaking year; with over 279 registered athletes between football and cheer and an additional 126 participating in fall flag. It’s a testament to the countless hours of dedicated volunteers, coaches and parents who want to support the youth within Lynnfield.
First, to the families. Thank you all for your continued support! We depend on you in order to be successful. We realize there is a lot to balance. Getting your athletes to practices and games and being patient with location changes is appreciated! Our fundraising efforts were successful because of you, which supported the expansion and growth of our program!
I wanted to take a few moments to highlight some of the amazing accomplishments these young athletes and our coaching staff achieved.
Our cheerleaders fearlessly represented Lynnfield at two competitions this year, Cheer for a Cure and MYCA. Four of our teams ranked in the top 3 spots @ MYCA, with the C Team taking home the gold coming in first place! MASCOTS: 3rd, D Team: 2nd, JVC: 3rd and C Team 1st!
As a result of the exceeding amount of tackle football players, we went from 5 teams to 6! Overcoming this new endeavor allowed for new experiences, but this didn’t affect the athletes’ outstanding performance with season records to be extremely proud of! A Team – 5-3, B Gold Team – 7-2, B Navy Team – 6-2, C Team – 7-2, JVC Team – 4-4, D Team – 5-4.
And for the C Team Football, their season is NOT over yet! They are the Division Champs. We are thrilled and happy to see them advance to the Superbowl. Please come and support our C Team during the game, which is being held Sunday, November 13th @ Triton High School in Byfield @ 10 am. Lynnfield vs. Marblehead.
To OUR COACHES and student coaches: There aren’t enough words to thank you for your commitment and for the numerous hours selfishly dedicated to the betterment of the members of your teams. From moving cheer mats, designing strategic offensive/defensive plays, creating winning cheer routines, and positively pushing kids to give their best while promoting a positive attitude. YOU STEPPED UP and SHOWED UP. With all this effort, our goal is to develop these children, and bringing home CHAMPIONSHIPS tops it off!
I would be remiss if I didn’t bring attention to the LPYFC BOARD. They are an amazing group of dedicated individuals who make it happen behind the scenes. The amount of hours spent in supporting this organization, the athletes, coaches, and parents beyond their day jobs is astounding. They do not seek praise or acknowledgment, but without each member being extraordinary and going above and beyond, we wouldn’t be able to deliver on the mission built on the foundation of this newly formed board.
“The purpose of Lynnfield Pioneer Youth Football & Cheer is to foster, encourage, and promote the playing of the sports of football and cheerleading for the children of the residents of Lynnfield and to develop and promote the qualities of physical fitness, competitive spirit, team play, loyalty, and good sportsmanship in those who participate in the program.”
Thank you again for an amazing year, and let’s bring home a Super Bowl WIN!
-The LYFC Board